
Thanks for your support!
GDCNE members can pay membership dues and applicants for membership can pay their application fee as well as dues through PayPal here
Membership Dues and Fees

To donate to the GDCNE Trophy Fund, you can do so through the PayPal Donate button here:

For general donations or to contribute for purposes not listed above, please donate here. Note that PayPal gives you the opportunity to provide the purpose of your donation as you’re filling out the donation form. Thank you!

Raffle: Watch for information on a Raffle Table for our November 2024 Fall Specialties.

Please note: Contributions or payments can also be mailed to our treasurer, Carol Urick, 74 Briarwood Drive, Manchester, CT 06040. This avoids PayPal transaction fees for the club. 

The Great Dane Club of New England is a 501 (c) 3 charitable organization and donations may be tax deductible.
The Great Dane’s versatility, intelligence, and adaptability make him extremely popular.
– Great Dane Club of America
Disaster Relief Challenge
The Great Dane Club of New England and members recently contributed $730 to the Great Dane Club of America Charitable Trust Disaster Relief Fund. We appreciate the generosity of our individual members who donated $480, to which GDCNE added $250 in matched funds.